Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Analyzing the color relationships in the Generative Process

1.) The original image is made up of split complimentary colors. Red takes up most of the image; however, webs of a blue-green and yellow-green design fill in the middle of the original design. A normal green, red's compliment, fails to show through in this design. There are areas where the design branches out to the outside in a red-violet color that compliments the yellow-green in the center. A triad with red-violet, blue-green, and yellow-orange also appears in the image when the viewer notices the small yellow-orange dots in the very middle of the circular image. There are no neutral colors shown in this image. There are different monochromes of red throughout this image.

2.) The second image shows various color relationships. The red, blue, and yellow circles represent the primary colors and a triad. The split complementary colors yellow-orange, blue, and violet are also depicted in this image. Another set of split complementary colors, yellow-green, violet, and red, is also shown in the center of the circles enclosed in black squares. This image does not show any neutrals and monochrome colors. Complimentary color relationships are shown throughout the image, such as blue and orange, and violet and yellow.

3.) Third image is made up of the analogous colors from yellow green to red violet. Triads, neutrals, complementary, and split complementary colors do not really show. However the image shows the monochromes of green.

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