Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Last Blog of the Semester (feat. A Response on Brenda Ueland)

Liz Kenny

2D FND 115

Dec. 16, 2009

Brenda Ueland Response

Ueland’s advice throughout the excerpt “Everybody Is Talented, Original and Has Something Important to Say” was very moving, but yet humble sounding and easy to understand at the same time. I actually connected with what she had to say a lot. Along with majoring in art I hope to major or minor in English because I enjoy writing so much. I write short stories and blurbs about passed experiences I’ve had almost like a journal but in more of a story form in order to work out situations and express feelings I otherwise would not let out. The part where she speaks about having a friend who constantly “[wants] to understand more about everything [I] feel and know the changes inside and out” really got to me because my best friend listens to me read my writing aloud to her on a daily basis without criticizing it in any way (8). She purely just wants to listen to me let everything out. I appreciate it so much because having someone to hear what you have to say only encourages you to write more, just as Ueland says throughout the excerpt. I agree with Ueland on every basis she covered, that you need to be free of criticism and that it is important to have someone there who has the right attitude to listen or read your writing to keep you going. Writing is something anyone can do as long as they feel free to say whatever it is that is on their mind, creative and free writing has no limits or rules. Ueland’s opinions on successful writing were dead on and I enjoyed what she had to say throughout “Everybody Is Talented, Original and Has Something Important to Say”.

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