Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The pieces aren't completeing the least not tonight

So, its late and it's the night before the final is due. I officially hate iMovie and its ghetto-ness. I have finally figured out how to adjust the times of all the images I've place in my work at once; however, now it seems that they're not all showing, and not showing for the designated time I've set for them when they actually do show.

I was happy to finally receive my dad's voice over today which I'm including in my piece; however, the 3 hour process it took to get him and my mom to send the file as an attachment through an email was quite the production. Its here and on my laptop now, so I guess that's all that really matters.

As for my own screw ups, I legit forgot to get the cord I need to attach the camera to my laptop. Now I have footage on tape to watch as many times I'd like via video camera; yet, no way at all to place it on my laptop and edit it into my project.

This night has been an epic failure. I had really expected all the pieces of my project to come together tonight but I just don't see that happening anymore. In order to make my project work I honestly think I need to use Final Cut, in order for it to come out the way I want it to. I'm heading into class tomorrow with what I have, even though its not much, and seeing if I can salvage what I do have onto Final Cut in order for it to actually fit the vision I had planned.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Final Projects and such

So, this Wednesday we had a class of final project critiquing. It was a little discouraging to see people finished with their projects while I was back at square one with mine; but nevertheless, I found a lot of peoples projects really amusing. People had really unique ideas and stuff. I really did love all of them. Its just cool to see what people can do when they get the option to choose whatever they like as a final project.

Anyways, back to my fiasco. After talking to Gokey I really came to the terms that the whole portable N64 project was out the window. I declared Mission Impossible on it after Texas Instruments decided to be a lame-o. Then it was time to figure out a whole new idea.

I'm going to admit. I was a stressball and a half on Wednesday. I didn't even want to call my parents because I knew that talking to them about this, along with all the other stuff I had to work on, would just make me cry or something. Then again, it always clears my head when I just kind of can vent about everything to my dad and he's there to pick up the pieces and put it all into a new perspective for me. Then, thats when it all hit me.

I started to connect my dads advice to the whole controversial Tiger Woods add for Nike. I decided it'd be cool to reflect on my own life at the time in a voice over of old images of me and my dad from when I was little. Then, following that, I would do that same still headshot of myself like Tiger Woods has and do my father's advice over it. This piece would be a reflection on my own life, sort of mock the way in which celebrities go about solving their scandals in the public, and also humanize the whole status of celebrity. I've already told my parents to overnight the pictures I want to use. I'm renting a camera and filming Monday, and if everything works out, my project will hopefully be ready in time for Thursday so I won't need the extension. Life is getting better and I'm feeling a lot more confident about getting my work done now. Summer is so close, yet seems so far away at the same time.