Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yesterday's Class

1.) Watching the Persuaders was pretty interesting in the end and kind of freaked me out about all of the random research they do and have on consumers. The reptile guy freaked me out the most. He seemed like he was psychic, or could read minds, or something and had all these weird tests he did on consumers. His tests left both them and me confused. How did he even come up with the tests that he ran? I would seriously never be able to come up with the idea of testing people by taking away their chairs in between breaks, leaving them with pillows on the floor, shutting off the lights, making then rest, and then having them write. Like really, who would think of that sort of tactic? He gave off the impression that he knew how to sell anything in the world, I'm pretty sure he could too. The other guy on the documentary also seemed clever. He changed words in order to get certain ideas to appeal to consumers. The whole Song company though just seemed stupid. They used the most random things to try to market their airline. No one could tell they were an airline by their marketing strategies though so they ended up being totally unsuccessful. It wasn't too surprising that Song failed.

2.) The whole remix culture video made me think about being an artist and trying to keep your own individuality. I actually think about that a lot. So many things in our media today are just people copying what they thought was cool and then trying to claim it as their own. Today it is as if the line is being blurred between plagiarizing and simply just being inspired by another person’s work of art or form of media. I think the biggest struggle as an artist is trying to be original and keeping your own voice while still allowing the pieces that inspire you contribute to your work without allowing those things to take it over.

3.) Finally, we learned how to import videos from a video camera onto iMovie and how to add text during the editing process. All of this information will be helpful towards all of our future iMovie projects.

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